There's something on the way

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SirPaahdin's avatar

"A wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey journal."

Um, hi everyone!

It feels like I haven't been on dA for an eternity. I guess I've been busy leading my somewhat turbulent life. As usual! I always write these journals excusing my absence, which itself is both dull and meaningless.

Anyway! I've got some news for you all. I take it most of you would recall the old comic I made about Mika the little trans boy, which got very popular and circulated around the internet? Well...
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His life story is still a thing. A cartoonier, teenage-y, angstier thing, that I'm working on. Not sure whether I will release it as a fanzine or a book or just a webcomic, really. If I'll ever get it done... I hope I will.

Oh well. I'm still alive, and I have projects on the way. I'm sorry I more and more seldom reply to your lovely comments, but I do read them all and I'm thankful for every word I receive. :heart:

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-Coming soon!-
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Chigami's avatar
Ååh den där serien, jag hatarhatarhatarhatarhatar så mycket när det där händer mig, det känns fan just så som du tecknade det när nån använder fel pronomen... som om man blir skjuten. D: